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When you sign up for Consumer Cellular service, using the email sent on our behalf, you will get a $20 credit on your next bill once your plan is activated (usually your second bill). If you use the email sent on our behalf, then we will receive $20 credit on our next bill too. This reduces our administrative costs. Please note that the referral will be under the name of our Sole Proprietor and General Manager, Stephen Caldwell. 

As regards your privacy, here is our and Consumer Cellular's commitment:

"When you provide an email address for this program, we promise to use it only as relates to this program."

  • We use Consumer Cellular as our cellphone provider

  • Plans are flexible and the unlimited plan, at $50, is very competitive and gives you 50 GB of high speed 5G data (where available)

  • Consumer Cellular "piggy backs" off both AT&T and T-Mobile masts, increasing your coverage

  • You can use ALL YOUR HIGH SPEED DATA on a hotspot, that's 50 GB

  • You can receive discounts on your bill for Auto Pay and AARP membership

  • You can cancel or upgrade/downgrade your data allowance at anytime (in monthly chunks)

Feel free to check Consumer Cellular Products and Services out at

If you decide you want to sign up and get your referral discount, go to our APPROVED ADVERTISER REFERRAL FORM

Allow up to 48 hours to receive the referral email from Consumer Cellular. Sign Up for service using the link in that email AND NOT BEFORE IN ORDER FOR YOU AND US TO RECEIVE THE CREDIT. Please note the Plan agreement is between you and Consumer Cellular and you are responsible for any agreement regarding their terms and conditions. Only contact us if you subsequently do not receive your bill credit within the first THREE billing cycles.

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