Do you have a pdf document you want to convert to Word? Do you want to revise or extract pages from a pdf document? Do you want a pdf document watermarking? Do you want a pdf document redacting? Do you want a pdf document protected by a password? There are another dozen or so actions we can legitimately perform on a pdf file such as e-signing, create a fillable pdf form, and combine multiple pdf documents. Of course, you can save a word document to pdf and get all these actions done to the original word document.
Another activity we can perform is bulk resizing of jpg or jpeg images. We can also watermark in text, date and time stamps, and additional images (such as logos) into image files.
We are happy to share FREE the following Office Resources, on a limited basis:
Access to Microsoft Office 365 tools (e.g. PowerPoint)
Web Page for your or family member bio or memorial
Short Survey or Poll Form on the web
"Shout Out" to BENW Members for info
Are you being offered work on an independent contract basis? Do you want to discuss the pros and cons of such work? Our General Manager has 20 years experience as an Independent Contractor in the United States as well as advising sourcing Independent Contract and advising Independent Contractor businesses on risk management issues. VIP Members get a FREE consultation about any of these issues
Full or part refund if not satisfied with our services
No full payment up front. Deposit may be required.
Invoiced on 30 day terms. Multiple Payment methods.
For VIP Club Members ONLY., but you can refer others for services along with VIP Club membership (discounted rate)

The current offers expire on March 31st 2025 and assume you are already a FREE subscriber to Britevents Northwest. Non subscribers have a 14 day trial period and pay $44 per year. Click below to become a subscriber
You have the OPTION to be awarded a VIP Club Noble title. For most, it will be a knighthood or damehood. You may earn higher nobility status withing the Group through hosting, sponsoring, or attending regularly our events. You will receive a Nobility Certificate, an entry on Nobility Roll on this website. You also have the option to be "dubbed" at an event ceremony, have a Club Nobility badge, and have a link to your social media if desired. The title has restrictions and may only be used in Group communications and certainly not outside the USA or online (unless reference is made to it applies to the Club only) SEE THE DISCLAIMER BELOW
The use of the nobility titles mentioned below is meant to be just some fun in the VIP Club's activities. You may only use the title conferred on you for Group activities. You must not use It outside the Group in any communication, conversation, social media, or other British events. You certainly must not use it outside the USA anyway. You do not have to take a title (you will be an "Honorable Member" instead). The use of nobility titles by Britevents Northwest in no way means any agreement to autocracy or the historical misbehaviors of nobility in dispensing their powers.

For our General Admission events, one VIP Club member will have a guaranteed place even if there is a waiting list (subject to reserved place availability). One guest allowed for this benefit. Examples of this would be the Annual Christmas Party, Brits at the Races, and Food events.
You get first chance to apply for tickets for our events. Some events are free for VIP Club members and some involve a discounted ticket. Once the "Early Bird" period has expired, you can still make a reservation with a discount but only while spots are available. See above for the "Waiting List" guarantee though!
If you are active in a nonprofit organization, we are happy to help you publicize it to the Brit community in the region. If that nonprofit also has a British theme behind it, then we can for a non profit partnership with additional publicity benefits. Our current partner nonprofits are BABC, Britcon, British Benevolent Society, and Portland Panto Players. For more info, send us details of your nonprofit and your involvement through our CONTACT US page.
Do you want to make contact with our subscribers who may have a common interest or common UK heritage? Examples might be: Member of a US nonprofit, same home town, went to College at same time, fan of same British celebrity etc. We will act as a confidential go between. This can result in direct contact with permission from you and the other party. To kick things off, send us details of your message via our CONTACT PAGE. One free message per membership period. $5 [per message after that. Max 4 per membership period.
Every Month there is a giveaway raffle only open to VIP Club members. Click HERE for the current Giveaway! This is in addition to TRIPLE TICKETS for our open online raffles.
VIP Members will get a 20% bonus to their prize if they are a winner of one of our quiz or prediction competitions. This could mean at least $30 for a quiz (normally $25), $60 for a prediction competition (normally $50) or $120 for a prediction competition jackpot (normally $100).
For some time now, Britevents Northwest has offered its users access to specialist advice for US immigration, UK Pensions, and International tax. We are pleased to extend this for VIP Club members only. We will provide either direct answers or specialist advice when a VIP Club member has an issue impacting their life as an ex-pat in the USA. Some of these questions may be answered by our parent business, Northwest B.O.S.S. owned by our General Manager, Steve Caldwell. This especially applies to questions regarding insurance, business start up, regional travel, landlord-tenant issues, contractor screening, and background screening of individuals. We may also use our Brit network of individuals across the region to answer your question. One inquiry per year is free. Second or additional inquiries will be subject to a research fee, pricing based on the topic. Please use our CONTACT US page to describe your issue or question. We may need to call you to discuss how we go forward with answering your question or issue.